Course curriculum

  • 2

    Framing and composition

    • Camera height

    • Edge of frame [SNAP]

    • Using angles [SNAP]

    • Wrap up on composition

  • 3


    • Introduction to colour

    • Why auto white balance doesn't cut it

    • White balance [HOLD THE LINE]

    • Why us numeric control over presets [$]

    • White balance exercise

    • Colour temperature primer [HOLD THE LINE]

    • Great colour with manual settings [SNAP]

    • Adjustments to colour

    • Colour fundamentals

    • Wrap on colour

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    Exposure part 1 - ISO

    • Introduction to ISO

    • What ISO is

    • Why auto ISO doesn't cut it [$]

    • ISO exercise

    • General ISO guidelines [SNAP]

    • Wrap on ISO

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    Exposure part 2 - Aperture

    • Introduction to aperture

    • Why auto-aperture won't cut it

    • What is aperture? [HOLD THE LINE]

    • Aperture numbers demystified

    • Aperture exercise

    • Shallow focus with wide lenses

    • Wrap on aperture

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    Exposure part 3 - shutter

    • Introduction to shutter

    • Why auto shutter won't cut it

    • Frame rate x2? Think again [HOLD THE LINE]

    • I want longer shutter speeds [HOLD THE LINE]

    • Wrap on shutter speed

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    Build speed

    • Introduction to Speed [$]

    • Prep is everything [HOLD THE LINE]

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    • Intro to audio

    • In Camera Audio? [$] [HOLD THE LINE]

    • Audio Gear [SNAP] [$]

    • Meters and Headphones [SNAP]

    • Audio power [SNAP]

    • Why you want XLR [$] [HOLD THE LINE]

    • Troubleshooting distortion [SNAP]

    • Troubleshooting interference [SNAP]

    • Upgrade the Kit Mic [$] [HOLD THE LINE]

    • Selecting Headphones [$] [SNAP]

    • Transmitter/Receiver at a Glance [SNAP]

    • Documentary Interview Tip [SNAP]

    • Wrap on audio

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    Advanced videography

    • Advanced Videography Introduction

    • Why 24p [SNAP]

    • Shallow Focus, Bright Sun [HOLD THE LINE]

    • Lenses: Crop vs. full sensor [$]

    • Eye line [SNAP]

    • Tips for documentary interviews [SNAP]

    • Static framing [SNAP]

    • Tip for focus on Moving Subjects [SNAP]

    • Histogram Demystified [HOLD THE LINE]

    • Exposing for highlights [SNAP]

    • Supporting Shots [$] [SNAP]

    • Smart lens choices [$]

    • Wrap on advanced videography

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    • Introduction to lighting [$]

    • Separation from Background [SNAP]

    • Eye light [SNAP] [$]

    • Key and fill [SNAP] [$]

    • Negative fill [SNAP] [$]

    • Indirect lighting [HOLD THE LINE] [$]

    • Types of lighting sources [$] [SNAP]

    • Wrap on lighting